The show
QUICK, A SELFIE ! A purely visual, no-dialogue performance.
A show/performance involving images painted with eight hands and four voices, using video, smartphones, paintbrushes and rollers. An indoor show, open to all, ages 8 and up.
In "QUICK, A SELFIE!", four visual artists, performers and singers, from their scaffolding on the stage and in an overflow of rhythms, songs and colours, will challenge the spectators (especially children and teenagers) on the issue of their image today. And they are going to manipulate their image, capture it, divert it, steal it, restore it, reinvent it and, above all, make them see it differently.
It will be a show of images painted, photographed and filmed directly on site. Images that will follow each other, jostle each other, cross paths, fade away, reappear, and finally, images that will tell the story that the encounter we want to provoke will produce.
They will be four visual artists, in flesh and blood, four singers, in rhythm and voice, who will create these images with their bare hands. Well, with their bare hands, or almost, with brushes, cameras, smartphones, and then... yes, with their bare hands too in the end.

Luc Amoros
Director: Brigitte Gonzalez
Images: Luc Amoros
Music: Alexis Thépot
Performers: Léa Noygues, Macha Selbach, Lydie Greco and Marie Minary
Technical director: Vincent Frossard
Administration/production: Mathieu Desanlis
Communication: Nadine Dupont
A PRODUCTION BY : Compagnie Lucamoros
A CO-PRODUCTION BY : La Passerelle de Rixheim /La Minoterie, pôle création jeune public et éducation artistique de Dijon / Momix Créa, scène conventionnée d’intérêt national art et enfance et jeunesse de Kingersheim
WITH THE SUPPORT OF : Centre Socio Culturel de Sarre-Union en partenariat avec la Communauté de Communes d’Alsace Bossue / Espaces culturels de Thann Cernay / Le PréO d’Oberhausbergen / La Région Grand-Est / la Drac Grand-Est / La Collectivité Européenne d’Alsace /L’ADAMI / l’Agence Culturelle Grand Est au titre du dispositif « Tournée et résidence de coopération
Small presentation of our team of artists